S&C Week 1 Discussion 1

Life stressors as common as work pressure or as obscure as being zapped with electricity while running in a maze, all activate the stress response. With such varying sources from which stressors emerge, stress is a holistic phenomenon with emotional, biological,...

Psychology Psychology homework

  PSY-1113-EW04F.24F UNIT 1 ASSIGNMENTS IOP: Part 1C Topic Selection Worksheet IOP: Part 1C Topic Selection Worksheet Review the instructions for Part 1A: Topic Selection Instructions and Part 1B Topic Options to select your topic.  Once you have your topic...


 There are many who have a misconception of what the subject of psychology examines. Many people’s initial understanding of psychology is that the primary focus is on subjects like mental health/illness, abnormal or criminal behaviors, and psychotherapy....

C & P

   Using the "Bloom's Taxonomy Applied to Questioning" chart, create two questions for each of Creswell & Poth: Chapters 1 & 2. Maximize your questioning techniques by employing all 5 levels of questioning.

week 8 feedback prpf

  Nice idea for a research design, this is a timely topic! Here is some feedback, please update in your response. I'm not going to focus on the gap as I realize you may not have fully explored the background literature yet.  Purpose of the Study This...