In regards to architectural practice, is there a benefit to getting a Master’s degree over a Bachelor’s degree.
Need to write about these two part.
1?Going into practice
2?Staying in academia (going on to pursue another degree like a PhD or becoming a professor/academic researcher)
basic components include:
Clear statement of the proposed issue.
History and Context: When did this issue arise? Who are the primary players in the conversation? Does the issue connect to larger cultural/social trends, and if so, how?
Summary of Current Considerations: What is the current state of this issue in contemporary discourse? What are the multiple sides of the debate or perspectives that are being adopted in relationship to the issue?
Your Position: After understanding the context and current state of discussion regarding your selected issue, develop your own position in relationship to one or more aspects of the issue. Articulate your position, include history and context, and provide evidence in support for your argument. This isn’t an opinion piece; you must support your claims with evidence and references. Avoid generalizations or unsupported claims, and present all sides and perspectives of an argument. Cite all sources.