1)Closely read and understand the statement you are being asked to both argue for and argue against. The statement can be found in the “For and Against Prompt” worksheet, which you use to write your answer. The worksheet can be found on Canvas.
2)Read the source (such as Jean François De la Pérouse’s Life in a California Mission & Chavez’s U.S. War with Mexico) closely and take notes of events or phrases that can support or undermine the statement. You will need at least three pieces of evidence for each paragraph. Make sure to read the statement and take notes as you read the source so you do not have to go back to do this a second time. Remember, the introduction to the journal or reader is helpful background information but you will need to use the journal or the primary source documents as evidence. You can cite the evidence by writing (Pérouse, page number) or (Chavez, page number).
3)Construct the paragraphs using a topic sentence, supporting sentences with evidence (to be specific, three pieces of evidence), and a thesis sentence. You will be graded on effectively writing all these parts of the paragraph.
4)The topic sentence should contain the paragraph’s central theme, which in this case it should de directly related to whether you are supporting the statement or arguing against it.
5)Supporting sentences should use information from the source. This could be the ideas or actions described in the source that help prove or support the argument you are making. For the Chavez reader, you need to identify three primary sources that prove your argument. Highlight the three evidence points/documents that make the best case not just the first three you find.
6)Transitional sentences: It is okay and sometimes proper to include sentences that transition from the topic sentence to your evidence or from each individual piece of evidence to another piece of evidence or from your evidence to the thesis statement. Make sure your paragraph is well-organized and would make sense to anyone who reads it.
Use clear and direct sentences that are based on Subject-Verb-Object.
7)The thesis sentence should argue why your evidence supports the statement or on the other hand, how the source challenges the statement. Try not to relist your evidence in the thesis sentence but rather make a larger, broader argument that encompasses all of your evidence.
8)Although we will go over the “For and Against Prompt” assignment in class, you will turn in a final typed version outside of class. You will go to our Canvas class page and find the turnitin link and upload your paper by the due date listed on the worksheet and syllabus.
Sample paragraph below:
Sample Paragraph
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was a statement made by the thirteen colonies asserting their sovereign status from the British monarchy. (Topic sentence) Thomas Jefferson wrote the original draft of the declaration. (Supporting sentence) The Continental Congress adopted the document in 1776 during its meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Supporting sentence) Jefferson argued that individuals had natural rights bestowed upon them at birth and not by a monarch. He argued that the government, created by the people, derived its political power from the consent of the governed. The legitimacy of this arrangement is based on the government’s ability to meet the needs of its people. (Supporting sentence) The Declaration of Independence is significant because it shows how American independence and future political structures would be based on John Locke’s contract theory of government. Until the eighteenth century, most western governments were ruled as monarchies; the United States, on the other hand, was influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment. (Thesis statement)
Sentence Structure:
Write clear and precise sentences; do not worry about using complex vocabulary. The basic structure of a sentence should consist of subject-verb-object. Focus on conveying the information being asked of you and do not write long sentences with unnecessary words or information. Avoid passive sentences in which the action is done upon the subject, in other words, the object and verb come before the subject.
Subject Verb Object (right)
The United States declared war upon Great Britain.
Verb Object Subject (avoid)
War was declared upon Great Britain by the United States.
Paragraph Structure:
Topic Sentence: The topic sentence identifies the main idea of the paragraph. A topic sentence must be general enough to express the overall subject but specific enough that the reader can understand the paragraph’s main subject and argument.
Supporting Sentence: Supporting sentences must highlight and expand upon the claims made in the topic sentence. Your supporting sentences should include evidence from your primary sources in the form of quotes, numbers, events, people, or stories that prove your point.
Thesis Statement: The thesis statement tells the reader how you interpret the significance of the subject matter discussed in the paragraph. The thesis statement should not be about providing more information but should make a claim or argument, in this case, the significance of the evidence you provided. The supporting sentences should have provided the evidence to back up the claim made in the thesis statement. (1-2 sentences)