Sensors engineering in chemical engineering
Please create a powerpoint about your own idea design sensor project. Title project is captioning smart glasses for Deaf and hard of hearing people especially students to use them in lecture classes. I want to focus on helping deaf students. Our goal is to smart design is better than their designs.
For my own project. You may do slides the following below, but you can do your own words.
Identify the Problem. Before you begin to gather solution ideas, it is important that you understand the problem. Identify what needs the specific problem addresses. Who is impacted? Where?
Flowchart development. Develop a flowchart or sketch out the ways in which you would design your e.g. wastewater filtration device. You now know what materials you are going to use, and in what order. Label each part of your treatment system
-Aims and Objectives
-Literature Review (Summary of similar works that have done in the past)
-**method ( please note that use equations or explain how to design like we will use Matlab or others ) do not show code results.
-Expected Results