
This CW2 asks you to complete a Leadership Portfolio of 1200 words within the Leadership Portfolio Template as attached below. 

This leadership portfolio is separated into 4 elements:

1. Simulated Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT) critical Reflection (500 words) 2. Analyse the importance of delegation (250 words) 3. Analyse the importance of managing conflict within a team (250 words) 4. Three personal Leadership and Management Objectives (200 words)

This assessment seeks insightful, perceptive and personal understanding through reflection, to how you manage leadership and management, in relation to the areas outlined above. The highest marks will be awarded to those students who are able to concisely write about each area whilst being highly self-aware of both your strengths and weaknesses in relation to leadership behaviours and skills which are explored throughout the module teaching.

You are greatly encouraged to complete the 16 Personalities Test as suggested in Week 1, utilise learning from the NHS Leadership Academy – Leadership Model to make use of identified strengths and weaknesses in Week 2, and become very familiar with your professional standards which you must uphold on qualification. These will form the basis for this portfolio and allow you to become more self-aware and thus create personal development objectives as a result which link to your professional standards. This can then be taken to clinical practice on qualification and utilised as part of your preceptorship programme. 

To help support your transition to qualified practitioner and get in the habit of collecting evidence for your learning, we would like you to include 3 pieces of evidence to support your learning or reflection. This will be included as Appendices (A, B and C) to the Leadership Portfolio and uploaded as part of the same document to Turnitin. 

Whilst personal reflection is needed for this assessment we do not want you to utilise a reflective tool within the Leadership Portfolio itself as you will not have enough words. We want you to include what you have learned as a result of reflection on perhaps the course content, clinical placement, NHS Leadership Academy etc., to draw conclusions and explore how this may impact situations in qualification. How can you plan for this? What may you need to change or be aware of?