The healthcare organization that I reviewed is SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). This healthcare organization is a part of the U.S. department of health and human services. The goal of the organization is to lead public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation and to improve lives of individuals living with mental and substance use disorders, and their families (SAMHSA, 2022). EBP appears on their website in a number of areas including public messages, data pages, and publications section. The site seems to be grounded in EBP, as it showcases in many ways, mainly through education and learning. According to Kim et al., an organizational culture that emphasizes making clinical decisions based on evidence is critical for improving and sustaining safe and high-quality patient care (2016, para 5). According to their website, SAMHSA does offer provider training through various programs including suicide prevention, rural opioid technical assistance, and mental health awareness and training.
There is a significant amount of data on the website that is grounded in EBP. Also, there is an area where you can search in their database to locate specific topics such as suicide and alcohol misuse, for example. According to Melnyk et al., even with its tremendous benefits, EBP is not the standard of care that is practiced consistently by clinicians throughout the United States and globe (2014, p. 5). I found that interesting especially because as a graduate student, we are constantly being taught about the importance of EBP especially in healthcare. The SAMHSA does a very good job including EBP on their website and providing various forms of education through provider training programs and data and education dissemination.
After reviewing this organizations website, my perception has changed for the better. I had heard of the organization, but I did not know exactly how monumental they were for the area of mental health. I am impressed at the amount of data accessible through their website, at the amount of EBP, and the resources available to individuals and providers.
Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of Evidence-Based Practice Implementation, Job Satisfaction, and Group Cohesion Among Regional Fellowship Program Participants. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(5), 340348.
Evidence based practice (EBP) involves a problem-solving approach to decision making using the best evidence. It is then combined with the practitioners clinical experience and the patients preferences to achieve optimal outcomes (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Because nurses provide direct patient care, they have a unique opportunity to improve outcomes through EBP. Staff nurses can both bring evidence-based interventions into clinical practice and evaluate the effectiveness (Crabtree et al., 2016).
The selected organization for EBP examination is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is the country’s leading science-based organization protecting public health. The CDC began on July 1,1946 to fight Malaria. After that, the Founder Dr. Joseph Mountin continued his advocacy for public health issues. He also pushed for the CDC to become responsible for controlling other communicable diseases (CDC, n.d.). This entity now works around the clock protecting the nation from health threats both domestic and foreign. The CDC also conducts critical science and supplies information that protects the U.S. against dangerous and expensive health threats. This organization responds when these threats arise and boosts our nations health security. In addition, the CDC fights diseases that are acute, chronic, preventable, curable, errors, or intended attacks (CDC, n,d.).
The work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is highly grounded in evidence-based practice. Key functions of the CDC include conducting critical science and sharing the information with practitioners for improved patient outcomes. EBP is greatly emphasized in the organizations Strategic Goals (CDC, n.d.). The first goal emphasizes raising awareness of EBP through the development of communication products. A second goal seeks to increase the adoption of EBP using communication interventions. The third goal stresses strategic partnerships to disseminate EBPs. Another strategic goal encourages using research and the adoption of EBP to reduce work-related incidents. Therefore, the work of the CDC is highly centered around Evidence Based Practice (CDC, n.d.).
The information discovered about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have changed my perception of this healthcare organization. I was previously unaware of the magnitude of the responsibilities carried out by the CDC. The CDC is the countrys health protection bureau and saves many lives by defending against health threats. Disease management and pandemics are not the only important issues addressed, however. A wealth of information was also available regarding obesity, smoking, violence, and vaccines (CDC, n.d.). I now realize that relevant and timely information on most healthcare issues can be obtained from the CDC.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). CDC organization.